首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Electronic Measurement Instruments >Study of Horizontal Region Locating in IR Ship Image Based on Soft Mathematical Morphology

Study of Horizontal Region Locating in IR Ship Image Based on Soft Mathematical Morphology




According to the characteristic of small ship target in anti-ship infrared imaging missile, we know that the small target always appear in the vicinity of the horizontal region with long distance. In this paper, we choose the soft mathematical morphological technique to compress the background, enhance the target and complete the locating of horizontal region. The basic concepts were introduced in the paper firstly. Then the construction of structuring elements and the soft mathematical morphological operators were given. We applied the soft morphological operation to original IR ship image. Then we could find the initialization of horizontal region based on the morphological grads. At last we adopted the linear fit method to locate the horizontal region. Some processing images were listed as comparisons. The simulation results indicate that the algorithm can locate precisely the horizontal region and assures the validity and real-time of later image segmentation, detection and tracking.



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