
Women in physics in Zimbabwe




There are very few women pursuing physics careers in Zimbabwe for a number of reasons. The major drawbacks are outlined below, not in any particular order. Also outlined at the end are suggestions on how this issue can be solved. There has traditionally been a preconceived idea that technical science subjects, especially physics, are for men, and that women are not fit to study them. While men are automatically acknowledged and accepted in the physics field, women's abilities are doubted until proven and they therefore start with a disadvantage. They then have to work twice as hard as men to get the same recognition. Women are perceived as less talented, less authoritative, and less capable. In view of all this, it is important to increase the participation of women in physics in my country so the issue of imbalance between men and women participants can be addressed and this traditional myth dispelled. Most girls are raised with low professional expectations, and instead are focused on getting married and being a housewife and looking after children. They are discouraged from considering science or engineering careers. Once you join the field of physics, you are on your own. The men do not want to associate with you because you are "invading their territory" and they feel threatened. This is more prevalent in coed schools than in all girls' schools. The women think you want to be a man so they do not really want to associate with you. The most serious barriers to women achieving successful physics careers in Zimbabwe are the lack of career guidance and mentoring, and the discouragement and scaring off of prospective physics students by society and financial constraints.



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