
Test Improvement under Fire




Development was starting to lose trust in our test process. Large bugs escaped into production causing major outages. The question "why didn't Test catch this?" rang through our halls. No matter the effort, we were unable to reproduce the problems with our tools and lab. We were fixing, releasing, fixing, and releasing. Morale was low and the team was tired. Something had to change! This paper discusses one team's journey down the test improvement road. We'll identify the pieces of the Six Sigma, TPI (Test Process Improvement), and structured testing techniques we used. We'll explore what solutions worked, what didn't, and lessons we learned. Test innovation isn't just about improving the test process. It's a fine balance of managing existing test responsibilities and change. When improvements are weighed against business objects, sometimes the immediate demands of the product outweigh test innovation efforts. Choosing the right areas to invest time and effort is critical to success.



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