首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Measurements for Research and Industry Applications >A System For The Characterization Of The Micro-Controllers

A System For The Characterization Of The Micro-Controllers




The characterization of complex electronic devices is very important for technical as well as didactic reasons. The characterization of the micro-controllers involves the investigation on its peripheral devices, mainly the ADCs, the PWMs, the timer signals, sometimes the DACs. A testing platform has been realised, with reference to the ST52X430 micro-controller. Moreover, it has been improved in order to test the peripheral devices of the ST52X440 micro-controller. It consists of a board and some programmable instruments connected to a PC, on which the implemented software can run. The user can choice the test to be performed on the basis of the IEEE standard 1241-2001. Some results of the ADC characterization made by using this platform have been presented last year. In this work the use of the realised system for the characterization of the other peripheral devices is presented.


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