




Up to one million gallons of dense nonaqueous-phase liquid (DNAPL) creosote are present in the saturated zone at a former wood treating facility in northern California. DNAPL management at the site has consisted of a combination of strategies, including: in situ bioremediation enhancement; passive recovery; and, a technical impracticability (TI) waiver. Implementation of the in situ bioremediation program, designed to enhance the biodegradation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) impacts in groundwater resulting from the presence of the creosote DNAPL, had marginal effects on the removal of the dissolved-phase PAHs. The enhanced biological activities appeared to increase the production of biosurfactants, resulting in the increased mobility of PAHs in and downgradient from the source area. Therefore, the bioremediation program was discontinued. The passive recovery system consists of one well located in the area of mobile creosote. The well has two separate screened intervals; each 10-foot screen is located immediately above a clay lens, where free creosote is perched. Mobile creosote enters the well through the two screened intervals and collects in a sump at the bottom of the well. Approximately 650 gallons of creosote have been recovered from the source area during eight years of passive recovery. An evaluation of the technical impracticability of groundwater restoration in creosote DNAPL-impacted areas of the site resulted in EPA Region 9 issuing a TI waiver in 1999. The TI waiver and passive creosote recovery are being implemented at the site. This strategy has saved millions of dollars in potential remediation costs that would have been ineffective in restoring groundwater quality.
机译:截至密非水相液体一百万加仑(DNAPL)杂酚油是在北加州的一个前木材处理设施存在于饱和区。在现场DNAPL管理已经包括了策略的组合,包括:在原位生物修复强化;被动回收;并且,技术上不可行(TI)弃权。原位生物修复程序的目的是增强在地下水多核芳香烃(PAH)的影响从杂酚油DNAPL的存在而产生的生物降解的实施方式中,对除去溶解相多环芳烃边际效应。增强的生物学活性似乎增加生产生物表面活性剂,导致在从源极区多环芳烃流动性增加和下坡。因此,生物修复程序被中断。被动回收系统由一个井位于移动杂酚油的面积。该井有两个独立的筛选间隔;每个10英尺的屏幕直接位于粘土透镜,其中游离杂酚油是栖息的上方。移动杂酚油通过在孔的底部的贮槽两个筛选间隔并收集进入井中。大约杂酚油的650加仑从源区中8年被动恢复被追回。在网站的杂酚油DNAPL影响地区的地下水修复技术不可行的评估导致EPA 9区于1999年,TI放弃和被动杂酚油回收被在现场实施发出TI放弃。这一战略已节省了数百万美元,将在恢复地下水的水质是无效的潜在补救成本。



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