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Mapping sodic patches in the Kruger National Park, South Africa,using object-based image classification techniques on multispectral data




Sodic patches are defined by the chemical and physical properties of the soil and are nutrient hot-spots that contribute to heterogeneity in the landscape of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. These salt-affected soils produce high quality forage during the wet season and experience intense utilization by herbivores. High sodium soils inhibit plant cover, forming bare soil patches, which can be detected from digital imagery. Landsat 7 ETM+, ASTER and SPOT 5 scenes were classified using object-based image analysis. Spectral differences, topology, geology and a DEM were used to distinguish possible sodic patches from other bare soils, applying different algorithms for each sensor and for images from different seasons. Field validation showed an overall classification accuracy kappa index between 0.61 and 0.78. A map of the location and extent of sodic patches for each management unit for the entire park was produced.
机译:钠斑是由土壤的化学和物理性质的定义,是营养热点,这些斑点有助于南非克鲁格国家公园景观中的异质性。这些受影响的土壤在潮湿的季节产生高质量的饲料,并通过食草动物进行强烈使用。高钠土壤抑制植物覆盖,形成裸土壤贴片,可以从数字图像中检测到。使用基于对象的图像分析分类Landsat 7 Etm +,Aster和Spot 5场景。使用光谱差异,拓扑,地质和DEM来区分来自其他裸片土壤的可能的含钠斑块,对每个传感器的不同算法应用于来自不同季节的图像。现场验证显示了0.61和0.78之间的整体分类精度Kappa指数。生产了整个公园的每个管理单元的钠斑块的地图和范围。



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