首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning >Empirical Analysis of Case-Based Reasoning and Other Prediction Methods in a Social Science Domain: Repeat Criminal Victimization

Empirical Analysis of Case-Based Reasoning and Other Prediction Methods in a Social Science Domain: Repeat Criminal Victimization




Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) has been used successfully in many practical applications. In this paper, we present the value of Case-Based Reasoning for researchers in a novel task domain, criminology. In particular, some criminologists are interested in studying crime victims who are victims of multiple crime incidents. However, research progress has been slow, in part due to limitations in the statistical methods generally used in the field. We show that CBR provides a useful alternative, allowing better prediction than via other methods, and generating hypotheses as to what features are important predictors of repeat victimization. This paper details a systematic sequence of experiments with variations on CBR and comparisons to other related competing methods. The research uses data from the United States' National Crime Victimization Survey. CBR, with advance filtering of variables, was the best predictor in comparison to other machine learning methods. This approach may provide a fruitful new direction of research, particularly for criminology, but also for other academic research areas.
机译:基于案例的推理(CBR)已成功使用在许多实际应用中。在本文中,我们提出了小型任务领域,犯罪学中的研究人员的基于案例的推理价值。特别是,一些犯罪学家有兴趣研究犯罪受害者,他们是多重犯罪事件的受害者。然而,研究进展缓慢,部分原因是该领域一般使用的统计方法的限制。我们表明CBR提供了一种有用的替代方案,允许更好的预测,而不是通过其他方法,并为重复受害的重要预测因子生成假设。本文详述了具有对其他相关竞争方法的CBR​​变化的系统的系统序列和与其他相关的竞争方法的比较。该研究使用来自美国的国家犯罪受害调查的数据。 CBR,提前过滤变量,与其他机器学习方法相比,是最佳预测因子。这种方法可以提供富有成效的研究方向,特别是对于犯罪学,还可以提供其他学术研究领域。



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