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Numerical Simulation of the Sedimentation Process in a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge




In the last decades large areas of land were reclaimed using trailing suction hopper dredgers, and large reclamation projects will be executed in the near future, especially in the Far East. During the overflow phase of the loading stage of the dredging cycle a part of the dredged volume of sand will not settle in the hopper but is transported with the overflow discharge overboard. For production, sand quality and environmental reasons it is important to predict the amount of this so-called overflow loss. Both the total volume of losses as the influence on the loaded (and lost) particle size distribution (PSD) is important. In 1997 a research program was started to get more under-standing of the sedimentation process onboard a hopper dredge. The goal of the programme was to develop a numerical model that can be used to predict the influence of the relevant parameters as hopper geometry, sand, discharge and concentration on the overflow losses (and which fractions of the PSD will be lost) . The research programme consists of three parts: laboratory experiments, development of numerical models and full-scale validation of the models. In the paper the results of the laboratory tests and the developed 1DV numerical model will be presented. The 1DV-model is one-dimensional, but in contrary to most existing models in the vertical direction: The influence of the PSD distribution is modelled using a coupled system of transport equations (convection-diffusion) for the different grain sizes. The numerical results will be compared with the experiments. Good agreement is achieved in prediction of the overflow losses as function of the loading time with constant and varying inflowing sandflux.
机译:在过去几十年的大面积土地使用耙吸式挖泥船回收,大型填海工程将在不久的将来被执行,特别是在远东地区。在挖泥周期砂的疏浚体积的一部分将不会在料斗沉降,而是被传与溢流排放舷外的装载台的溢流相。对于生产,砂质量和环境的原因,预测这个所谓的溢流损失的量是很重要的。两者的损失上所装载的(和丢失)的粒度分布(PSD)的影响的总体积是重要的。 1997年一项研究计划开始获得更多的下站立沉淀处理的板载挖泥船。该方案的目标是开发一种数值模型可以用于预测的相关参数如料斗几何形状,砂,放电和浓度对溢流损失的影响(和其级分的PSD的将丢失)。该研究项目由三个部分组成:实验室实验,数值模式的发展和模式的全面验证。在纸张上的实验室测试和开发1DV数值模型​​的结果将提交。该1DV模型是一维的,但在与大多数现有的模型在垂直方向上:所述PSD分布的影响是使用输运方程(对流 - 扩散),用于不同的晶粒尺寸的耦合系统建模。计算结果将与实验进行比较。好协议中的溢流损失的加载时间恒定功能预测实现和不同流入sandflux。



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