
WMS and GML based interoperable web mapping system




Recently the World Wide Web has become a popular vehicle for information distributation and web based geographic information system (GIS) are rapidly evolving and adapting to these new environments. The main hindrance for building true interoperable distributed geographic information systems is the lack of any standard exchange mechanism between the diverse GISes connected over the web. Recent efforts by the OpenGIS Consortium have resulted in several specifications to alleviate these problems. Web Map Server (WMS) and Geographic Markup Language (GML) are such standards for developing interoperable web based Geographic Information Systems (Web-GIS). GML is an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) encoding for the transport and storage of geographic information, including both geometry and properties of geographic features. In this paper we describe a WMS compliant map server and GML based client. This integrated system leads to a true interoparable Web-GIS. GML based client for the first time offers client side query processing capabilities and at the same time provides several challenges. The parsing techniques have performance considerations since the size of GML documents is generally huge and often the queries result in multiple passes over these documents. In this study we also evaluated the two well known parsing approaches - simple API for XML (SAX) and the documents object model (DOM) for single and multiple passes. Our study shows that SAX performs better than DOM for single pass; thus for simple applications like visualization, subsetting, the SAX model is superior. However, for intensive applications involving queries requiring multiple passes over documents or integration of multiple documents in a distributed environment, DOM based parsing offers a better solution.
机译:最近,万维网已成为信息分发的流行载体,基于Web的地理信息系统(GIS)正在快速发展和适应这些新环境。构建真正可互操作的分布式地理信息系统的主要障碍是在网上连接的不同亮度之间缺乏任何标准交换机制。 OpenGIS联盟最近的努力导致了几种规格来缓解这些问题。 Web地图服务器(WMS)和地理标记语言(GML)是用于开发基于Web基于Web的地理信息系统(Web-GIS)的标准。 GML是一种用于传输和存储地理信息的XML(可扩展标记语言),包括地理特征的几何和属性。在本文中,我们描述了符合WMS的地图服务器和基于GML的客户端。该集成系统导致真正的InterArarable Web-GIS。基于GML的客户端第一次提供客户端查询处理能力,同时提供了几个挑战。解析技术具有性能考虑因素,因为GML文档的大小通常是巨大的,并且往往会导致多次通过这些文档。在本研究中,我们还评估了两个众所周知的解析方法 - 用于单个和多次通过的XML(SAX)和文档对象模型(DOM)的简单API。我们的研究表明,SAX比单一通过的DOM表现更好;因此,对于类似于可视化,子集,SAX模型的简单应用是优越的。然而,对于涉及需要多次通过的查询或在分布式环境中集成多个文档的查询的密集应用程序,基于DOM的解析提供了更好的解决方案。



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