
Selective Opening Security from Simulatable Data Encapsulation




In the realm of public-key encryption, the confidentiality notion of security against selective opening (SO) attacks considers adversaries that obtain challenge ciphertexts and are allowed to adaptively open them, meaning have the corresponding message and randomness revealed. SO security is stronger than IND-CCA and often required when formally arguing towards the security of multi-user applications. While different ways of achieving SO secure schemes are known, as they generally employ expensive asymmetric building blocks like lossy trapdoor functions or lossy encryption, such constructions are routinely left aside by practitioners and standardization bodies. So far, formal arguments towards the SO security of schemes used in practice (e.g., for email encryption) are not known. In this work we shift the focus from the asymmetric to the symmetric building blocks of PKE and prove the following statement: If a PKE scheme is composed of a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) and a blockcipher-based data encapsulation mechanism (DEM), and the DEM has specific combinatorial properties, then the PKE scheme offers SO security in the ideal cipher model. Fortunately, as we show, the required properties hold for popular modes of operation like CTR, CBC and CCM. This paper not only establishes the corresponding theoretical framework of analysis, but also contributes very concretely to practical cryptography by concluding that selective opening security is given for many real-world schemes.



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