
Universally Composable Undeniable Signature




How to define the security of undeniable signature schemes is a challenging task. This paper presents two security definitions of undeniable signature schemes which are more useful or natural than the existing definition. It then proves their equivalence. We first define the UC-security, where UC means universal compos-ability. We next show that there exists a UC-secure undeniable signature scheme which does not satisfy the standard definition of security that has been believed to be adequate so far. More precisely, it does not satisfy the invisibility defined by [10]. We then show a more adequate definition of invisibility which captures a wider class of (naturally secure) undeniable signature schemes. We finally prove that the UC-security against non-adaptive adversaries is equivalent to this definition of invisibility and the strong unforge-ability in F{sub}(ZK)-hybrid model, where F{sub}(ZK) is the ideal ZK functionality. Our result of equivalence implies that all the known proven secure undeniable signature schemes (including Chaum's scheme) are UC-secure if the confirmation/disavowal protocols are both UC zero-knowledge.
机译:如何定义无可否认的签名方案的安全性是一个具有挑战性的任务。本文介绍了两种不可否认的签名计划的安全定义,这些方案比现有定义更有用或更自然。然后证明他们的等价。我们首先定义UC-Security,其中UC意味着通用CompoS能力。我们下一步表明,存在UC安全的不可否认的签名计划,该方案不满足到目前为止被认为足够的安全的标准定义。更确切地说,它不满足[10]所定义的隐形。然后,我们展示了更充分的无形定义,其捕获了更广泛的(自然安全)不可否认的签名计划。我们终于证明了对非自适应对手的UC安全相当于这种无形的定义和F {Sub}(ZK)-Hybrid模型中的强烈难忘能力,其中F {sub}(zk)是理想的zk功能。我们的等价结果意味着,如果确认/否认协议都是UC零知识,则所有已知的经过证明的证明安全无可否认的签名计划(包括Chaum方案)是UC-Secure。



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