首页> 外文会议>International conference on acid rock drainage >Non-acidic, sulfate-poor, copper-enriched drainage from a precambrian stratabound chalcopyrite/pyrite deposit, carbon county, wyoming

Non-acidic, sulfate-poor, copper-enriched drainage from a precambrian stratabound chalcopyrite/pyrite deposit, carbon county, wyoming




The Ferris-Haggarty underground mine was abandoned circa 1910, and portal discharge has since resulted in degradation of a trout fishery in the receiving waters of Haggarty Creek. Although tunnel discharge varies dramatically in volume throughout the year due to infiltration of snowmelt, compositionally it is a nearly constant low-TDS, pH-neutral, low-sulfate, copper-silicate dominated water. Between infiltration events, components of ARD accumulate in unsaturated, oxygenated environments within upper workings and are delivered to the main haulage level by the subsequent annual snowmelt flush. Mixing with non-ARD mine waters results in neutralization, dilution, and precipitation of amorphous copper carbonate and silicate phases. These mechanisms, combined with variations in the water balance, control the composition of the portal discharge. Understanding the chemical and hydrologic control mechanisms was critical to the design of a passive treatment system to decrease effuent copper concentrations.
机译:Ferris-Hagggarty地下矿被遗弃了1910年大约大约,而门户出院则导致哈格特溪的接收水域中的鳟鱼渔业退化。虽然隧道放电由于散发散热而在整个年内变化剧烈,但成分方式是几乎恒定的低TDS,pH-中性,低硫酸盐,铜 - 硅酸盐占主导地水。在渗透事件之间,ARD的组分在上工作中的不饱和含氧环境中积聚,并通过随后的每年雪花冲洗到主要牵引水平。与非ARD矿水的混合导致非晶铜碳酸盐和硅酸盐相的中和,稀释和沉淀。这些机制与水平衡的变化相结合,控制了门静脉排放的组成。理解化学和水文控制机制对于无源处理系统的设计至关重要,以降低磷酸铜浓度。



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