首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering >Data mining library reuse patterns in user-selected applications

Data mining library reuse patterns in user-selected applications




In this paper, we show how data mining can be used to discover library reuse patterns in user-selected applications. This can be helpful in building and debugging applications that use a particular library by observing how other developers have used that library in their applications. Specifically, we consider the problem of discovering association rules that identify library components that are often reused in combination by application components. For example, such a rule might tell us that application classes that inherit from a particular library class often override certain member functions. By querying and/or browsing such association rules, a developer can discover patterns for reusing library components. We illustrate the approach using our tool, CodeWeb, by demonstrating characteristic ways in which applications reuse components in the ET++ application framework.
机译:在本文中,我们展示了数据挖掘如何用于发现用户所选应用程序中的库重用模式。这可以帮助构建和调试使用特定库的应用程序,通过观察其他开发人员在其应用程序中使用该库。具体而言,我们考虑发现识别识别常用应用程序组件的组合重复使用的库组件的关联规则的问题。例如,这样的规则可能会告诉我们从特定库类继承的应用程序通常覆盖某些成员函数。通过查询和/或浏览此类关联规则,开发人员可以发现重用库组件的模式。我们通过演示应用程序重用ET ++应用程序框架中的组件的特征方式来说明使用我们的工具CodeWeb的方法。



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