首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Symposium on High-Assurance Systems Engineering >Fault detectability analysis for requirements validation of fault tolerant systems

Fault detectability analysis for requirements validation of fault tolerant systems




When high assurance applications are concerned, life cycle process control has witnessed steady improvement over the past two decades. As a consequence, the number of software defects introduced in the later phases of the life cycle, such as detailed design and coding, is decreasing. The majority of the remaining defects originate in the early phases of the life cycle. This is understandable, since the early phases deal with the translation from informal requirements into a formalism that will be used by developers. Since the step from informal to formal notation is inevitable, verification and validation of the requirements continue to be the research focus. Discovering potential problems as early as possible provides the potential for significant reduction in development time and cost. In this paper, the focus is on a specific aspect of requirements validation for dynamic fault tolerant control systems: the feasibility assessment of the fault detection task. An analytical formulation of the fault detectability condition is presented. This formulation is applicable to any system whose dynamics can be approximated by a linear model. The fault detectability condition can be used for objective validation of fault detection requirements. In a case study, we analyze an inverted pendulum system and demonstrate that "reasonable" requirements for a fault detection system can be infeasible when validated against the fault detectability condition.



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