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Soft decoding, dual BCH codes, and better list-decodable ε-biased codes




We construct binary linear codes that are efficiently list-decodable up to a fraction (1/2 - ε) of errors. The codes encode k bits into n = poly(k/ε) bits and are constructible and list-decodable in time polynomial in k and 1/ε (in particular, in our results ε need not be constant and can even be polynomially small in n). Our results give the best known polynomial dependence of n on k and 1/ε for such codes. Specifically, we are able to achieve n ≤ O(k{sup}3/ε{sup}(3+γ)) or, if a linear dependence on k is required, n ≤ O(k/ε{sup}(5+γ)), where γ > 0 is an arbitrary constant. The best previously known constructive bounds in this setting were n ≤ O(k{sup}2/ε{sup}4) and n ≤ O(k/ε{sup}6). Non-constructively, a random linear encoding of length n = O(k/ε{sup}2) suffices, but no sub-exponential algorithm is known for list decoding random codes. Our construction with a cubic dependence on ε is obtained by concatenating the recent Parvaresh-Vardy (PV) codes with dual BCH codes, and crucially exploits the soft decoding algorithm for PV codes. This result yields better hardness results for the problem of approximating NP witnesses in the model of Kumar and Sivakumar. Our result with the linear dependence on k is based on concatenation of the PV code with an arbitrary inner code of good minimum distance. In addition to being a basic question in coding theory, codes that are list-decodable from a fraction (1/2-ε)of errors for ε → 0 have found many uses in complexity theory. In addition, our codes have the property that all nonzero codewords have relative Hamming weights in the range (1/2-ε, 1/2+ε); this ε-biased property is a fundamental notion in pseudorandomness.
机译:我们构造了二进制线性码,其有效地列出可解码到误差的分数(1/2 - ε)。该代码将k位编码为n = poly(k /ε)位,并且是在k和1 /ε中的时间多项式中的结构和清单可解码(特别是,在我们的结果中,ε不需要恒定,甚至可以是多项幂n)。我们的结果为这些代码提供了N在K和1 /ε上的最佳已知的多项式依赖性。具体地,我们能够实现n≤o(k {sup} 3 /ε{sup}(3 +γ)),或者如果需要对k的线性依赖性,n≤o(k /ε{sup}(5 +γ),其中γ> 0是任意常数。该设置中最好的先前已知的建设性界限为n≤o(k {sup} 2 /ε{sup} 4),n≤o(k /ε{sup} 6)。非构造性地,长度n = o(k /ε{sup} 2)的随机线性编码足以,但是没有已知子指数算法用于列出随机代码。我们通过对ε的立方依赖的构造是通过与双BCH代码连接的最近的帕伦列克 - 基因(PV)代码来获得,并且巨大地利用PV码的软解码算法。该结果产生更好的硬度,对于kumar和sivakumar模型中近似NP证人的问题。我们对K线性依赖的结果基于PV码的串联,其任意内部码的良好最小距离。除了编码理论中的基本问题之外,从ε→0误差的误差的分数(1/2ε)中列出的代码已经发现了许多在复杂性理论中的用途。此外,我们的代码具有所有非零码字的性质在范围内(1/2-ε,1/2 +ε);这种ε-偏见的属性是伪随机性的基本概念。




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