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Software support for virtual memory-mapped communication




Virtual memory-mapped communication (VMMC) is a communication model providing direct data transfer between the sender's and receiver's virtual address spaces. This model eliminates operating system involvement in communication, provides full protection, supports user-level buffer management and zero-copy protocols, and minimizes software communication overhead. This paper describes system software support for the model including its API, operating system support, and software architecture, for two network interfaces designed in the SHRIMP project. Our implementations and experiments show that the VMMC model can indeed expose the available hardware performance to user programs. On two Pentium PCs with our prototype network interface hardware over a network, we have achieved user-to-user latency of 4.8 /spl mu/sec and sustained bandwidth of 23 MB/s, which is close to the peak hardware bandwidth. Software communication overhead is only a few user-level instructions.
机译:虚拟内存映射通信(VMMC)是一种通信模型,提供发件人和接收者的虚拟地址空间之间的直接数据传输。该模型消除了通信的操作系统,提供全面保护,支持用户级缓冲区管理和零复制协议,并最大限度地减少软件通信开销。本文介绍了为虾项目中设计的两个网络接口的API,操作系统支持和软件架构的系统软件支持。我们的实施和实验表明,VMMC模型确实可以将可用的硬件性能暴露给用户程序。在两种奔腾PC上,通过网络与我们的原型网络接口硬件,我们已经实现了4.8 / SPL MU / SEC的用户到用户延迟,并且持续的带宽为23 MB / s,靠近峰值硬件带宽。软件通信开销仅是一些用户级指令。



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