
Exploiting Social Tagging in Web API Search

机译:利用Web API搜索中的社交标记



Given the huge number of available Web APIs, a web designer might take advantage of the "wisdom" or collective knowledge of the other developers who used the Web APIs for their own mashups. This knowledge may implicitly derive from the use of the Web APIs in similar mashups, or may be obtained through explicit social tagging and rating of Web APIs. In this paper, we propose to exploit this knowledge to implement advanced Web API search patterns, depending on the development scenario the web designer is acting in, namely the creation of a new mashup, the completion of an existing one or the substitution of one or more Web APIs within it.
机译:鉴于大量可用Web API,一个网络设计师可能会利用使用Web API的其他开发人员的“智慧”或集体知识,用于他们自己的混搭。这些知识可以隐含地导向在类似的混乱中使用Web API,或者可以通过显式的社交标记和Web API等级获得。在本文中,我们建议利用此知识来实现​​高级Web API搜索模式,具体取决于Web设计者在创建新Mashup的开发方案,即完成一个或替换一个或者替换一个或者其中的更多Web API。



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