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Helping blind people to watch television-the AUDETEL project

机译:帮助盲人观看电视 - 奥迪尔项目



The authors introduce many issues raised by a new service known as Audio Description (AD) which provides a separate commentary channel carrying narrated descriptions of the visual elements of television scenes such as costumes, actions, locations, and facial expressions. These are delivered to the visually impaired viewers during pauses in the programme dialogue. In order to drive forward the development of audio descriptive services for television on a European scale, a consortium of broadcasters, manufacturers and organisations with interests in the blind and elderly, was formed and is known as AUDETEL (AUdio DEscription of TELevision). It is undertaking a wide and ambitious study of AD issues including: the requirements of the target audience, the logistics of AD production in the studio, the optimal coding of the describer's voice, the transmission of the service, and the requirements of the domestic receiver. Each of these topics is also addressed by: economics, system standardisation, and practical demonstrations of viability by both programme production and over-air trials with prototype receivers.
机译:作者介绍了称为音频描述(AD)的新服务提出的许多问题,该信息提供了一种单独的评论信道,其携带诸如服装,动作,位置和面部表情等电视场景的视觉元素的叙述描述。这些在计划对话中的暂停期间送到视力受损的观众。为了前进,在欧洲规模上推动电视的音频描述性服务,形成了一家广播公司,制造商和盲人和老年人兴趣的组织,被称为奥迪克尔(电视音频描述)。它正在开展对广告问题的广泛雄心勃勃的研究,包括:目标受众的要求,工作室中的广告生产物流,最佳编码描述的语音,服务的传播,以及国内接收器的要求。 。这些主题中的每一个也由:经济学,系统标准化和具有原型接收器的程序生产和过空中试验的可行性的实践演示。



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