首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Telecommunications, Optics and Computer Science >Security Analysis and Improvement of Identity-based Key Management Scheme for Airborne Ad Hoc Networks

Security Analysis and Improvement of Identity-based Key Management Scheme for Airborne Ad Hoc Networks




An identity-based distributed key management scheme for airborne ad hoc networks is analyzed. It is demonstrated that in the generation phase of user private key, the user identity certificate is transmitted in the public channel, so that the attacker can use the intercepted identity certificate to fake the legitimate node and cheat the distributed key generation center to generate private key for it. Then, an improved authentication scheme is proposed. It constructs the signature of timestamp using the private key of the user node as authentication proof, so that the attacker can't forge the authentication information. It is showed that the improved scheme can effectively resist the forgery attack, and further reduce the computing cost of user nodes while realizing all the functions of the original scheme.
机译:分析了用于机载AD HOC网络的基于身份的分布式密钥管理方案。据证明,在用户私钥的生成阶段,用户身份证书在公共信道中传输,使攻击者可以使用截取的身份证书来伪造合法节点并欺骗分布式密钥生成中心以生成私钥为了它。然后,提出了一种改进的认证方案。它使用用户节点的私钥作为身份验证证明构建时间戳的签名,以便攻击者无法伪造认证信息。结果表明,改进的方案可以有效地抵抗伪造的攻击,并进一步降低用户节点的计算成本,同时实现原始方案的所有功能。



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