
Estimating Benefits and Costs of Adaptation




In response to a request from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Eastern Research Group (ERG) ERG developed a guide called "What Will Adaptation Cost: An Economic Framework for Coastal Community Infrastructure."1 This guide is now featured on the web site of the California State Lands Commission AB 691 - Proactively Planning for Sea Level Rise Impacts - for estimating the costs of sea-level rise. ERG implemented the steps in this guide for the City of Alameda, CA, to quantify impacts of sea level rise and storm surge through an economic assessment of building damage and land loss as compared to estimated costs of shoreline adaptation. We estimated the value of market and non-market benefits (avoided costs) and costs of implementing adaptation strategies for a number of sea-level rise and storm surge scenarios. ERG has also developed a guide for communities interested in quantifying the costs and benefits of adaptation to inland flooding.2 Through ERG's work with NOAA and local governments, we have developed a range of valuation methodologies to address the question the costs and benefits of adaptation to help communities make informed decisions about how to most cost-effectively adapt to future flooding impacts. We will highlight a few of these methods, with a focus on our Alameda project, and share lessons learned to help communities understand when economic assessment methods may be appropriate to meet their needs given their resources.
机译:回应国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的要求,东部研究组(ERG)ERG开发了一个名为“适应成本的内容:沿海社区基础设施的经济框架的指导。1本指南现已推出加州国家土地委员会的网站AB 691 - 积极计划海平面上升影响 - 估算海平面上升的成本。 ERG在该指南中实施了Alameda,加利福尼亚州的城市的步骤,以量化海平面上升和风暴浪涌的影响通过经济评估,与海岸线适应的估计成本相比,建设损坏和土地损失的经济评估。我们估计市场和非市场效益的价值(避免成本)以及实施许多海平面上升和风暴激增情景的适应策略的成本。 ERG还开发了有兴趣定量适应对内陆洪水的成本和益处的社区指南。通过ERG与NOAA和地方政府的合作,我们开发了一系列估值方法,以解决适应性的质量和益处帮助社区对如何进行最具成本的洪水影响的最具成本有效的洪水影响。我们将突出一些这些方法,重点关注我们的Alameda项目,并分享经济评估方法可能适合在鉴于其资源时满足其需求时享受的经验教训。



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