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Replication Package for Article: Data-Oriented Differential Testing of Object-Relational Mapping Systems




The ICSE 2021 paper titled "Data-Oriented Differential Testing Object-Relational Mapping Systems" [1] comes with a replication package, which has been awarded with the "Available" badge by the Artifact Evaluation Committee. The artifact contains scripts, and step-by-step instructions to (1) get yourself familiar with the corresponding bug-finding tool (namely CYNTHIA), (2) reproduce the results of the main paper, and (3) re-run the bugs discovered by CYNTHIA. Specifically, the artifact has the following structure: • scripts/: This is the directory that contains the scripts needed to re-run the experiments presented in our paper. • bugs/bug_schema.sql: This is the database schema that contains the bugs discovered by CYNTHIA. • bugs/bugdb.sqlite3: This is the SQLite database file corresponding to the schema defined in bugs/bug_schema.sql . • example_bugs/: Contains test cases that trigger the two ORM bugs demonstrated in Section II of the main paper. • cynthia/: Contains the source code of CYNTHIA.
机译:标题为“面向数据的差分测试对象关系映射系统”[1]的ICSE 2021纸具有复制包,该包已被伪像评估委员会的“可用”徽章颁发。工件包含脚本,并逐步指令(1)让自己熟悉相应的错误查找工具(即辛西娅),(2)再现主纸的结果,(3)重新运行辛西娅发现的虫子。具体而言,工件具有以下结构:•脚本/:这是包含重新运行本文中提出的实验所需的脚本所需的目录。 •错误/ bug_schema.sql:这是包含Cynthia发现的错误的数据库模式。 •错误/ bugdb.sqlite3:这是与错误/ bug_schema.sql中定义的模式对应的SQLite数据库文件。 •example_bugs /:包含触发主纸的II部分中所示的两个ORM错误的测试用例。 •Cynthia /:包含Cynthia的源代码。



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