
An insight into a digital sensor for ΔΣ modulatorinvestigation




Even an ideal ΔΣ modulator exhibits certain nonlinearbehaviour. So its comprehensive analytical description has been both anabsorbing and confusing task. Hence simulation and measurement are thekey factor for a successful evaluation of the ΔΣ structure.This work is about high-quality decimation filters (digital sensors) forΔΣ modulator investigations. They are based on a two-phase(two-branch) parallel structure using recursive allpasses which areparticularly suitable for decimation by a factor of two. Moreover therepeated use of a basic decimation stage (BDS) makes this structurehighly modular and well fitted for silicon implementation. An importantBDS with only three coefficients (1/8, 9/16 and -1/16) has beenpresented in detail. Applied in the five stage decimator and compatiblewith CMOS technology, it achieves a 20-bit processing accuracy for thepassband of 20 kHz without the design complexity and cost penaltiesincurred in alternative approaches. The paper includes some designresults with performance evaluation under fixed point arithmetic. Thein-situ developed software tools are also described
机译:即使是理想的ΔΣ调制器也表现出一定的非线性 行为。因此,它的综合分析描述既是 令人费解的任务。因此,仿真和测量是 成功评估ΔΣ结构的关键因素。 这项工作是关于高品质的抽取滤波器(数字传感器),用于 ΔΣ调制器研究。它们基于两个阶段 (两分支)并行结构使用递归全通 特别适合于两倍抽取。而且 重复使用基本抽取阶段(BDS)使得该结构 高度模块化,非常适合硅实施。一个重要的 仅具有三个系数(1 / 8、9 / 16和-1/16)的BDS已被 详细介绍。适用于五级抽取器并兼容 借助CMOS技术,它可以实现20位的处理精度 20 kHz的通带,无设计复杂性和成本损失 产生替代方法。本文包括一些设计 定点算法下的性能评估结果。这 还介绍了原位开发的软件工具



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