首页> 外文会议>Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 2000 Annual Report Conference on >Modeling ferroelectric properties in systems of induced andpermanent dipoles

Modeling ferroelectric properties in systems of induced andpermanent dipoles




In earlier studies we reported on Monte Carlo simulations ofdielectric properties in systems of permanent or induced dipolesconsidering electrostatic interactions. The calculations are expandednow to systems composed of induced and permanent dipoles with the finalpurpose to model ferroelectric properties in structures like BaTiO3. In a first step a dipole chain with permanent dipoles (Ti-ionsmoving in double well potentials) and induced dipoles (O-ions) inalternating order is considered referring to the [001] crystal directionin BaTiO3. The calculation yields a hysteresis loop of thepolarization, a Curie-Weiss law, a temperature dependent remanentpolarization, and a spontaneous polarization. A second system refers tothe (200) plane of BaTiO3. Besides a hysteresis of thepolarization with a temperature dependent remanent polarization, we findspontaneous ferroelectric domains with an uniform polarization. Typicalferroelectric properties arise if permanent and induced dipoles areinvolved in the interaction process
机译:在较早的研究中,我们报告了蒙特卡洛模拟 永久或感应偶极子系统的介电特性 考虑静电相互作用。计算被扩展 现在到由感应偶极子和永久偶极子组成的系统,最后一个 建模BaTiO 3等结构中铁电性能的目的 。第一步,带有永久偶极子(Ti离子)的偶极子链 在双阱势中运动)和感应偶极子(O离子) 考虑到[001]晶体方向的交替顺序 在BaTiO 3 中。计算产生一个磁滞回线 极化,居里-魏斯定律,与温度相关的剩余 极化和自发极化。第二种系统是指 BaTiO 3 的(200)平面。除了磁滞 发现与温度相关的剩余极化 具有均匀极化的自发铁电畴。典型的 如果永久偶极和感应偶极是 参与互动过程



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