
Effects of input routing in switched RF amplifiers




This paper discusses the effects of unequal signal delays in the input network of a multi-finger transistor in a switching RF power amplifier. In a design that employs a distributed transistor, the driving signal must be delivered to each transistor finger by conductor segments that usually are unequal in length. The effects of the consequent non-simultaneous switching are demonstrated with three simulation examples performed with ADS circuit simulator at the frequency of 1.6 GHz, showing significant efficiency degradation when the input trace lengths to the individual transistor fingers differ from each other. An additional cause of highly increased timing differences and non-simultaneous switching is the signal dependent gate capacitance that changes the loading of the signal trace and affects to the signal delays. It is suggested that either tree-like input traces or suitably positioned second harmonic trap should be used to maximize the efficiency and to ensure good driving signal delay match to all fingers of the switching transistor.
机译:本文讨论了开关射频功率放大器中多指晶体管输入网络中不相等信号延迟的影响。在采用分布式晶体管的设计中,驱动信号必须通过通常长度不等的导体段传递到每个晶体管指。在以1.6 GHz频率使用ADS电路仿真器执行的三个仿真示例中,演示了随之而来的非同时切换的效果,当各个晶体管分支的输入走线长度互不相同时,效率显着下降。时序差异大大增加和开关切换不同步的另一个原因是取决于信号的栅极电容会改变信号走线的负载并影响信号延迟。建议使用树状输入迹线或适当放置的二次谐波陷阱来最大化效率,并确保良好的驱动信号延迟与开关晶体管的所有分支匹配。



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