首页> 外文会议>IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference >Outage probability analysis of heterogeneous relay networks

Outage probability analysis of heterogeneous relay networks




The heterogeneous wireless network is considered to be a cornerstone of the system architectural design of the next cellular network generations such as the fifth generation (5G) to alleviate the imminent capacity crunch. With the heterogeneity of the 5G cellular network, it is inevitable to have different statistical channel models within the same system. In this paper, we analyze the cooperative benefits of five different heterogeneous relay networks in terms of the outage probability. The system model incorporates lognormal and Rayleigh distributions to model the small-scale fading of wide-band indoor and outdoor wireless networks, respectively. We analyze the outage probability of the decode-and-forward scheme in 5 different settings depending on the nature of the indoor and the outdoor environments. Numerical quantitative comparisons among the various settings indicate that integrating indoor systems such as WiFi or LiFi into an outdoor system like cellular system can dramatically decrease the outage probability of the network.



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