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Building a Knowledge Graph of Vietnam Tourism from Text




Most data in the world is in form of text. Therefore, we can say text stores large amount of the knowledge of human beings. Extracting useful knowledge from text, however, is not a simple task. In this paper, we present a complete pipeline to extract knowledge from paragraph. This pipeline combines state-of-the-art systems in order to yield optimal results. There are some other Knowledge Graphs such as Google Knowledge Graph, YAGO, or DBpedia. Most of the data in these Knowledge Graphs is in English. On the other hand, the results from our system is used to build a new Knowledge Graph in Vietnamese of Vietnam Tourism. We use the rich resources language like English to process a low resources language like Vietnamese. We utilize the NLP tools of English such as Google translate, Stanford parser, Co-referencing, ClausIE, MinlE. We develop Google Search to find the text describing the entities in the Internet. This text is in Vietnamese. Then, we translate the Vietnamese text into English text and use English NLP tools to extract triples. Finally, we translate the triples back into Vietnamese and build the knowledge graph of Vietnam tourism. We conduct experiment and discover the advantages and disadvantages of our method.



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