首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Networking >A wireless network as support to the monitoring of Campi Flegrei volcano in Italy

A wireless network as support to the monitoring of Campi Flegrei volcano in Italy




The main purpose of this work is the design and implementation of an integrated wireless network as support to the multiparametric geophysical monitoring network of the Campi Flegrei volcanic area, in view of the increased need for seismic monitoring, which is a consequence of the drilling of an exploration well for scientific purposes. The goal is to increase the performance of the transmission system in terms of speed, real-time availability and reliability, given the high seismic risk and hazard associated with the experiment. The drilling is part of the international research project called “Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project” (CFDDP). For this purpose, in the first half of 2012, it was necessary to enhance the multiparametric monitoring network of Campi Flegrei, creating a subnet of seismic sensors, with limited geographical extension, but concentrated around the area of the well realization. The data acquisition from the monitoring center “Osservatorio Vesuviano”, section of Naples of the INGV, is guaranteed by a system of radio links in the 5 GHz band, due to the high interference in the typical band 802.11 and the highly urbanized area of interest. The subnet has shown a good cost/benefit ratio as regards the transmission, and it has proved to be useful for the monitoring purposes in order to detect in real time possible anomalies related to the drilling.
机译:这项工作的主要目的是将综合无线网络的设计和实施为支持坎皮·弗雷格雷火山地区的多因素地球物理监测网络,鉴于增加对地震监测的需求,这是钻井的结果探索很好的科学目的。鉴于与实验相关的高地震风险和危险,目标是在速度,实时可用性和可靠性方面提高传输系统的性能。钻井是国际研究项目的一部分,称为“Campi Flegrei深钻工程”(CFDDP)。为此目的,在2012年上半年,有必要增强Campi Flegrei的多次监测网络,从而创建地震传感器的子网,地理延伸有限,但集中在井上实现的领域。由于典型频带802.11和高度城市化的感兴趣领域,由5 GHz频段的无线电链路系统保证,INGV的那不勒斯的“奥塞尔替代奥维亚诺”,INGV的那不勒斯的截面的数据采集。 。这些子网向传输显示出良好的成本/效益比,并且已经证明它对于监测目的是有用的,以便在与钻井相关的实时可能的异常中检测。



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