首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies >A novel study on beaconing for VANET-based vehicle to vehicle communication: Probability of beacon delivery in realistic large-scale urban area using 802.11p

A novel study on beaconing for VANET-based vehicle to vehicle communication: Probability of beacon delivery in realistic large-scale urban area using 802.11p




Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication are playing an important role in improving the road safety and comfort. Communication between cars often referred to vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) has many advantages such as reducing cars accidents, minimizing the traffic jam, reducing fuel consumption and emissions, etc. VANET architecture has been standardized in the IEEE 802.11p specification. VANETs beaconing is one of the most important communication modes, which is used to broadcast the information of a car to the neighbour cars. This paper deals with simulation of car to car communication in realistic large-scale urban area (real traffic and map) based on IEEE 802.11p standard and investigates the successful beacon delivery probability. This study calculates the Probability of Beacon Delivery (PBD) in realistic simulation and compares that with the mathematical model. PBD for cars in different situations are calculated (for example PBD for one particular car in the city, one group of cars in the street, cars in the crossroad, PBD in a large area with different traffic density, etc.). Studying the PBD of 802.11p is necessary to find out whether this technology is effective before implementing in the real world. This study is the first study performed on the PBD of 802.11p in realistic large urban area. The results show that the PBD of 802.11p in a large area with huge density of cars is quite low. In addition, in this study different VANET simulators are investigated. As a result SUMO for traffic simulation, OMNeT++ for Network Simulation and Veins framework for integration of OMNeT++ and SUMO are selected in this study.
机译:车辆到车辆(V2V)和车辆到基础设施(V2I)的通信在提高道路安全和舒适方面发挥着重要作用。汽车之间的沟通经常引用车辆ad-hoc网络(VANET)具有许多优点,例如减少汽车事故,最大限度地减少交通堵塞,减少燃料消耗和排放等。VANET架构已在IEEE 802.11p规范中标准化。 VANETS信标是最重要的通信模式之一,用于将汽车的信息广播到邻居汽车。本文根据IEEE 802.11p标准,仿真对现实大型城市地区(实际交通和地图)的汽车通信的仿真,并调查成功的信标交付概率。该研究计算了据现实模拟中信标输送(PBD)的概率,并将其与数学模型进行比较。计算不同情况下的汽车的PBD(例如,在城市中的一辆特定车的PBD,街上的一组汽车,在十字路口的汽车,PBD在大面积中,交通密度不同。)。研究802.11p的PBD是必要的,了解这项技术是否在现实世界实施之前是有效的。本研究是在现实大城区802.11p的PBD上进行的第一项研究。结果表明,802.11p在大面积上的802.11p的PBD相当低。此外,在这项研究中,研究了不同的VANET模拟器。作为流量仿真的结果,在本研究中选择了用于网络仿真和集成的网络仿真和VEINS框架的OMNET ++。



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