首页> 外文会议>ETG-Symposium on VDE High Voltage Technology >145 kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker and Clean Air Instrument Transformer - Performance, Installation- and Operational Experience

145 kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker and Clean Air Instrument Transformer - Performance, Installation- and Operational Experience

机译:145 kV真空断路器和清洁空气仪表变压器-性能,安装和操作经验



The global society depends on reliable, economical and sustainable systems of energy generation, transmission and distribution. The realization of these systems is the common goal of future-oriented transmission and distribution system operators (TSOs, DSOs) and manufacturers. SF6 is today's most applied gas for switching and insulation in high voltage (HV) equipment, with excellent technical characteristics, but also strong global warming potential (GWP). Due to this fact, TSOs, DSOs and manufactures handle the gas with maximum care. For further improvement of sustainability, new innovative products are required: on the one hand with the well-known performance and reliability, on the other hand with the lowest possible global warming impact without compromising environmental, health and safety topics. To achieve this "mission impossible" the two main functions "switching" and "insulation" were separated. For switching, a proven principle was further developed for application to high voltages. Whereas millions of vacuum interrupter (VI) units are used in medium voltage (MV) switchgear - mainly in primary distribution applications - worldwide, their use in HV is rather rare. After intensive research and development in this area, 72,5 kV live tank vacuum circuit breakers (VCB) are in service since 2010. Based on that successful experience, a single break 145 kV live tank vacuum circuit breaker was developed and fully type tested to perform the switching and arc extinguishing activities in daily operation. This technology offers similar and partially even extended switching performance compared to existing SF6 technology at 145 kV: a rated short-circuit breaking current of up to 40 kA, a rated current of up to 3150 A, operating temperatures from -60deg C up to +55deg C without any additional heating systems, and up to 30 full short-circuit interruptions. Further advantages are easier handling during transport, installation and in operation - as well as during maintenance and when recycling. No maintenance efforts of the sealed-for-life VI units are required. The performance of the new breaker is fully type tested according to IEC 62271-100. For insulation in circuit breakers and instrument transformers, a "clean air" variant was chosen as highly compatible gas for our environment: technically processed and purified air with a mixing ratio of 80 percent nitrogen to 20 percent oxygen providing the insulation for the current-carrying conductors inside the housings of HV equipment. Current and voltage transformers with the proven performance of SF6 systems were developed in clean air technology. The performance of the new instrument transformers, both current and voltage, with clean air insulation is fully type tested and the results are presented. The combination of vacuum technology for switching and arc extinction and clean air as HV insulating medium, allows TSOs and DSOs to have a full HV equipment portfolio up to 145 kV available to operate their assets in a totally CO2-neutral process with a GWP of zero. The equipment combines the well-known high technical performance of SF6 systems with additional capabilities regarding temperature range and number of short-circuit interruptions and with reduced maintenance effort. The training and working procedures are simplified due to the application of the clean air insulation. Documentation and reporting efforts are reduced to a minimum. Gas-recycling is not required any more. Now, the first installation of the sustainable future-oriented technology for 145 kV has been completed in Germany at Netze BW. First installation and operational experiences are shown.
机译:全球社会依赖于可靠的,经济的和可持续的能源生产,传输和分配系统。这些系统的实现是面向未来的传输和分配系统运营商(TSO,DSO)和制造商的共同目标。 SF6是当今在高压(HV)设备中用于开关和绝缘的最广泛使用的气体,它具有出色的技术特性,但同时也具有很强的全球变暖潜能(GWP)。由于这个事实,TSO,DSO和制造商在处理气体时要格外小心。为了进一步改善可持续性,需要新的创新产品:一方面具有众所周知的性能和可靠性,另一方面在不损害环境,健康和安全主题的前提下,将对全球变暖的影响降至最低。为了实现这种“不可能完成的任务”,将“切换”和“绝缘”这两个主要功能分开了。对于开关,进一步开发了一种公认的原理,适用于高压。在全球范围内,数以百万计的真空灭弧室(VI)单元主要在一次配电应用中使用在中压(MV)开关设备中,而在HV中却很少使用它们。经过在该领域的深入研究和开发,自2010年以来,已有72.5 kV高压储罐真空断路器(VCB)投入使用。基于这一成功经验,开发了单断145 kV高压储罐真空断路器并进行了全面的型式测试,在日常操作中执行开关和灭弧活动。与现有SF6技术在145 kV电压下相比,该技术可提供类似且部分甚至扩展的开关性能:额定短路分断电流高达40 kA,额定电流高达3150 A,工作温度范围为-60deg C到+ 55摄氏度,无需任何其他加热系统,最多可进行30次完全短路中断。进一步的优势是在运输,安装和运行中以及维护期间和回收利用时更易于处理。终身密封VI单元无需维护。新断路器的性能已根据IEC 62271-100进行了全面的型式测试。对于断路器和互感器的绝缘,选择了“清洁空气”作为与我们的环境高度兼容的气体:经过技术处理和净化的空气,其混合比为80%的氮气与20%的氧气,为载流提供了绝缘高压设备外壳内部的导体。具有SF6系统成熟性能的电流和电压互感器是在洁净空气技术中开发的。新型仪表互感器的电流和电压性能,以及干净的空气绝缘都经过了全面的型式测试,并给出了结果。开关和灭弧用真空技术以及作为HV绝缘介质的洁净空气的结合,使TSO和DSO拥有高达145 kV的完整HV设备组合,可在CO2完全中性过程中使用其资产,GWP为零。该设备将SF6系统的众所周知的高技术性能与温度范围和短路中断次数相关的附加功能结合在一起,并减少了维护工作。由于采用了清洁的空气绝缘,简化了培训和工作程序。文件编制和报告工作减少到最低限度。不再需要气体再循环。现在,德国的Netze BW已完成了针对145 kV的面向未来的可持续发展的第一套技术安装。显示了首次安装和操作经验。



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