首页> 外文会议>Joint annual meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology >Urinary Inorganic Arsenic Concentration and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension Development: A Population-Based Analysis in Arica, Chile

Urinary Inorganic Arsenic Concentration and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension Development: A Population-Based Analysis in Arica, Chile




Introduction: Studies that evaluated the association between type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension has been consistent in population exposed to high levels of arsenic. However, the evidence is no clear regarding low levels of exposure. The aim of this study was to explore the association between the concentration of inorganic arsenic in urine and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Methods: Data analysis of 10.340 individuals over the age of 14, of the population register of people exposed to polymetals, evaluated between 2009 and 2015. Outcome variable: Self-report of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension (HBP). Exposure variable: Concentration of inorganic arsenic in urine. To evaluate association, we used multiple logistic regression models adjusted for creatinine, age, and body mass index. Results: Average age 40 years. The prevalence of diabetes was 8% (CI95% 0.073-0.085) and hypertension 15% (CI95% 0.143-0.159), (31% lost data). The median of inorganic arsenic was 18 μg/L (p25-p75 11-27 μg/L). The adjusted model showed a modest association between inorganic arsenic and T2DM (OR: 1.008, 95% CI 1.003-1.013). Regarding the relationship with HBP, the association was not significant (OR: 0.99, IC95% 0.993-1.004). Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis that low levels of arsenic exposure could be associated with T2DM; however, should be considered with caution due limitations as the way of measuring the outcome variable, the % of lost data and the lack of information from other confounding.
机译:简介:在暴露于高砷水平的人群中,评估2型糖尿病与高血压之间关系的研究一直是一致的。但是,关于低暴露水平的证据尚不清楚。这项研究的目的是探讨尿液中无机砷的浓度与2型糖尿病和高血压的发展之间的关系。方法:对2009年至2015年期间评估的10,340名14岁以上个体的数据进行了分析,评估了结果。结果变量:2型糖尿病(T2DM)和高血压(HBP)的自我诊断报告。暴露变量:尿中无机砷的浓度。为了评估关联性,我们使用了针对肌酐,年龄和体重指数进行调整的多个逻辑回归模型。结果:平均年龄40岁。糖尿病的患病率为8%(CI95%0.073-0.085),高血压的患病率为15%(CI95%0.143-0.159),(31%的数据丢失)。无机砷的中位数为18μg/ L(p25-p75 11-27μg/ L)。调整后的模型显示出无机砷与T2DM之间存在适度的缔合(或:1.008,95%CI 1.003-1.013)。关于与HBP的关系,相关性不显着(OR:0.99,IC95%0.993-1.004)。结论:该结果支持以下假设:低水平的砷暴露可能与T2DM有关。但是,应谨慎考虑由于测量结果变量,数据丢失百分比和其他混淆信息不足而造成的局限性。



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