首页> 外文会议>Joint annual meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology >Toxicological Research to Assess Bioaccessibility and Biological Effects of Recycled Tire Crumb Rubber Using In Vitro and In Vivo Testing Approaches

Toxicological Research to Assess Bioaccessibility and Biological Effects of Recycled Tire Crumb Rubber Using In Vitro and In Vivo Testing Approaches




The National Toxicology Program conducted in vitro and 14-day in vivo studies of tire crumb rubber (TCR) to enhance understanding of potential health impacts of exposure to chemicals released from TCR, and to evaluate (1) utility of different experimental models for characterizing toxicity, (2) routes of exposure that may result in systemic exposure, and (3) bioaccessibility of TCR constituents. Multiple lots of fresh recycled TCR were received from California EPA and combined into one test lot for use in these studies. The lot was characterized using microscopy, elemental composition, metal analysis, as well as liquid (LC-MS) or gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. In vitro studies were conducted with human-derived skin, lung, small intestinal and liver cell lines using TCR-conditioned media (TCR-CM). TCR was incubated in cell type-specific culture media for different durations and temperatures followed by sterile filtering to generate TCR-CM for cell exposures. Cytotoxicity was observed with all cell lines, except liver, which was dependent upon concentration as well as the duration and temperature of media conditioning with TCR. Conversely, TCR incubated in PBS or artificial lung fluid was not cytotoxic. Untargeted LC-MS was used to characterize the chemical composition of TCR-CM. In vivo 14-day studies in female B6C3F1/N mice were conducted by administering size-fractionated TCR by oral gavage, dosed-feed or by housing on TCR mixed-bedding. Traditional measures of toxicology testing were evaluated and showed no toxicologically relevant changes by the routes tested. Using a LC-MS metabolomics analysis approach, urine and plasma were evaluated for evidence of exposure. Principle component analysis of untargeted data was unable to differentiate treated and control groups, likely due to low exposure levels and high interanimal variability. Compounds potentially originating from TCR were tentatively identified in urine and plasma from gavage animals.
机译:美国国家毒理学计划进行了轮胎屑橡胶(TCR)的体外和14天体内研究,以加深对暴露于TCR释放的化学物质的潜在健康影响的了解,并评估(1)用于表征毒性的不同实验模型的实用性,(2)可能导致全身性暴露的暴露途径以及(3)TCR成分的生物可及性。从加利福尼亚州环境保护局收到了多批新鲜的回收的TCR,并合并为一个测试批次用于这些研究。使用显微镜,元素组成,金属分析以及液相(LC-MS)或气相色谱与质谱联用对批次进行表征。使用TCR条件培养基(TCR-CM)对人源性皮肤,肺,小肠和肝细胞系进行了体外研究。将TCR在特定于细胞类型的培养基中孵育不同的持续时间和温度,然后进行无菌过滤以生成用于细胞暴露的TCR-CM。在除肝外的所有细胞系中均观察到细胞毒性,这取决于浓度以及TCR调节培养基的持续时间和温度。相反,在PBS或人工肺液中孵育的TCR没有细胞毒性。未靶向的LC-MS用于表征TCR-CM的化学组成。在雌性B6C3F1 / N小鼠体内进行的14天研究是通过口服强饲法,按剂量喂食或将其放置在TCR混合床上用品上进行大小分级的TCR来进行的。对传统的毒理学测试方法进行了评估,结果表明所测试的路线没有毒理学相关的变化。使用LC-MS代谢组学分析方法,评估了尿液和血浆的暴露证据。未靶向数据的主成分分析无法区分治疗组和对照组,这可能是由于低暴露水平和高动物间变异性造成的。初步从强饲动物的尿液和血浆中鉴定出可能源自TCR的化合物。



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