
5G Network Slicing Enabling Edge Services

机译:5G网络切片启用Edge Services



Network slicing already plays an important role as a critical enabler in the current 5G technology domain. 5G aims to disrupt and accelerate innovation in various vertical fields, among those is the vehicular industry. In the detailed scope of the 5G-DRIVE research project promoting cooperation between the EU and China, a set of trials is to be undertaken towards promoting 5G growth. In this paper, initially, we identify a variety of challenges arising from the 5G convergence to the automotive industry. Then we describe the specific innovative framework of the 5G-DRIVE research, together with a novel network slicing mechanism deployed at the edge. Then an analysis on the corresponding architectures is presented, and how they operate in a set of trials for new 5G services. The services described are a virtualized caching network function (vCache), and a deep packet inspection one (vDPI), which are deployed at the edge facilitating an edge 5G service. For each case, the services are deployed and evaluated in the 5G Drive platform using the Katana slicing framework. Additional analysis of the OSM slicing platform is presented. The results demonstrate the performance of a network slicing mechanism for 5G service deployments in an edge enabled platform.
机译:网络切片已经在当前5G技术域中的关键推动者发挥着重要作用。 5G旨在破坏和加速各种垂直田地的创新,其中包括车辆行业。在5G-Drive研究项目的详细范围内,促进欧盟与中国之间的合作,将对推动5G增长进行一系列试验。在本文中,最初,我们确定了从5G融合到汽车行业的各种挑战。然后,我们描述了5G驱动研究的特定创新框架,以及在边缘部署的新型网络切片机制。然后,展示了对相应架构的分析,以及它们如何在一组新的5G服务中运行。所描述的服务是虚拟化缓存网络功能(VCACHE),以及一个(VDPI)的深度分组检查,它在促进边缘5G服务的边缘部署。对于每种情况,使用Katana SliCing框架在5G驱动平台中部署和评估服务。提出了对OSM切片平台的额外分析。结果证明了在已启用边缘平台中的5G服务部署的网络切片机制的性能。


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