首页> 外文会议>Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 1996. PIMRC'96., Seventh IEEE International Symposium on >The DS/CDMA system using transmission diversity for indoor wirelesscommunications

The DS/CDMA system using transmission diversity for indoor wirelesscommunications

机译:使用传输分集的DS / CDMA系统用于室内无线通讯



In multipath fading channels, the direct-sequence spread spectrum(DS/SS) technique is often employed because of the capability to resolvesignals from different paths and realize path diversity at the receiver.This advantage of DS/SS, however, is only when the time difference ofpropagation delay between paths is greater than a chip duration. Inindoor communications, the delay spread is often very small and theabove condition on the delay and chip duration is no longer satisfied,and this performance improvement by the path diversity with conventionalDS/SS systems cannot be expected. In this paper we propose a newdiversity technique for indoor wireless communication systems wheredelay spread is smaller than a chip duration. In this system, thetransmitter sends signals at the same time from multiple antennas withintentional time delays, which allow a receiver to distinguish andcombine the signals from different antennas
机译:在多径衰落信道中,直接序列扩频 (DS / SS)技术经常被使用,因为它具有解决问题的能力 来自不同路径的信号,并在接收器处实现路径分集。 但是,DS / SS的这一优势仅在时差为 路径之间的传播延迟大于码片持续时间。在 在室内通信中,延迟扩散通常很小,并且 延迟和码片持续时间不再满足上述条件, 并通过传统的路径分集来提高性能 不能期望使用DS / SS系统。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的 室内无线通信系统的分集技术,其中 延迟扩展小于码片持续时间。在这个系统中 发射机同时从多个天线发送信号 故意的时间延迟,使接收者可以区分和 组合来自不同天线的信号



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