
A method for metal artifacts reduction using virtual dual-energy CT images generated from single energy CT scans




A new method to remove metal artifacts utilizing virtual dual-energy CT image sets generated from monoenergetic CTimages and dual-energy CT subtraction is presented in this work. CT images were derived from Optima CT580 (GeneralElectric Company, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA). Optimized conversion model from CT numbers to linear attenuationcoefficients (LAC) was applied to calculate an accurate LAC map at specific energy. According to mass attenuationcoefficients (MAC) of base materials from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a LAC map atanother higher energy was obtained, and then a set of CT images was derived from the LAC map, which is at different buta known energy. Then, dual-energy subtraction was applied to remove metal artifacts. Results: Between the CT image setsof virtual high energy and the original, there is no significant difference in STD (standard deviation) (no more than 1.91%),while Merror (a parameter for quantification of the CT value differences between two images at the same position) variesfrom 58.83 to 101.6442. CNRs (Contrast-noise-ratio) in dual-energy subtracted CT images are 1.9% higher than those inthe CT images processed by polar coordinate transformation. Conclusions: The Dual-energy subtraction is proved to be abetter method for reduction of metal artifacts than the polar coordinate transformation scheme. Moreover, the dual-energysubtraction method is based on the reconstructed CT images obtained with a single energy CT scanner, which is moreconvenient for users not having access to the projection data.
机译:利用单能CT生成的虚拟双能CT图像集去除金属伪像的新方法 图像和双能CT减法在这项工作中提出。 CT图像来自Optima CT580(常规 电气公司,美国康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德)。从CT数到线性衰减的优化转换模型 系数(LAC)用于计算特定能量下的精确LAC图。根据质量衰减 美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST)的基础材料系数(MAC),位于 获得了另一个更高的能量,然后从LAC映射中获得了一组CT图像,该图像不同,但 一种已知的能量。然后,应用双能量减法去除金属伪影。结果:CT图像集之间 在虚拟高能和原始高能之间,STD(标准差)没有显着差异(不超过1.91%), 而Merror(用于量化同一位置的两幅图像之间的CT值差异的参数)会发生变化 从58.83到101.6442。双能相减CT图像中的CNR(对比度噪声比)比MRI中的CNR高1.9%。 通过极坐标变换处理的CT图像。结论:双能量减法被证明是一种 比极坐标变换方案更好的减少金属伪影的方法。而且,双能 减法基于单能量CT扫描仪获得的重建CT图像, 方便无法访问投影数据的用户。



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