首页> 外文会议>日本感性工学会春季大会;日本感性工学会 >Emotional Lighting Design of Indoor Spaces by Kansei Engineering

Emotional Lighting Design of Indoor Spaces by Kansei Engineering

机译:Kansei Engineering的室内空间情感照明设计



New lighting applications aspire to provide more benefits –than simply allowing vision– such as improving mood, sleepquality, and daily performance. 3D printing and laser cutting technologies found an application in the design of luminaries with verycomplicated artificial structures where the creation of unique light patterns is achieved. Computer-based, lighting simulation andassessment tools can assist in the creation and analysis of the lighting quality of space. However, these outcomes depend on thelighting designer’s knowledge and experience. It is necessary to develop methods to quantitatively evaluate people’s feelings andpreferences toward such stimuli and to implement those emotional qualities into the lighting of space. This introductory studyproposes a lighting design approach where the elements of light patterns, such as the direction of light, the beam pattern, the colortemperature of light and the symmetry of light distribution, are assumed as design elements. The second assumption was that the litlamp has a different appearance than the non-lit lamp, thus these can be understood as two different products requiring two differentKansei scales in order to evaluate the emotional impressions they give to the perceiver. In this context, the study had two goals: (a) toapply Kansei Engineering for the classification of lit and non-lit wall sconces based on the people's emotional perceptions; (b) toimplement the people's emotional preferences of wall sconce's lighting into the selection of a wall sconce that creates an intendedspace mood in the dark and an invisible effect in daylight.
机译:新的照明应用渴望提供更多的好处 - 这只是允许视力 - 例如改善情绪,睡眠质量和日常表现。 3D打印和激光切割技术发现了一个在灯光设计中的应用实现了独特光图案的复杂的人工结构。基于计算机的,照明模拟和评估工具可以帮助创建和分析空间的照明质量。然而,这些结果取决于照明设计师的知识和经验。有必要开发方法,以定量评估人们的感受对这种刺激的偏好并使这些情绪质量进入空间的照明。这项介绍性研究提出一种照明设计方法,其中光图案的元素,例如光的方向,光束图案,颜色光的温度和光分布的对称性,被认为是设计元素。第二个假设是点燃灯的外观不同于非点燃灯,因此这些可以被理解为两种不同的产品需要两种不同Kansei Scales为了评估他们给予感知者的情绪印象。在这种情况下,该研究有两种目标:(a)根据人们的情感看法,为灯光和非点亮墙壁康科斯分类应用Kansei工程; (b)落入墙壁灯芯照明的人民情感偏好,进入选择一个创造预期的墙壁缝隙天空中的空间情绪和白天的无形效果。



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