首页> 外文会议>Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts, Inc.;SPWLA annual logging symposium >Quantifying Bitumen Plugging in Tight Gas Reservoir using NMR and Pulsed-Neutron Spectroscopy Logging

Quantifying Bitumen Plugging in Tight Gas Reservoir using NMR and Pulsed-Neutron Spectroscopy Logging




The identification, quantification, and implications ofbitumen are concerns for a deep (>5000-m) tight gasreservoir in the Amin and Miqrat Formations in theSultanate of Oman. Hydraulic fracturing is required toyield economical production rates in these reservoirs.The bitumen, which is believed to result from oil to gascracking process, poses an additional challenge becauseit directly degrades storage capacity, destroys thepermeability, and results in erroneous computedsaturations. It is, thus, imperative that these factors aretaken into consideration in reserves and productivitypredictions that could ultimately impact overalldevelopment planning.An evaluation workflow was devised to directly quantifybitumen and provide accurate volumetric analysis. Themethodology is based on the integration of the triplecombo,nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and pulsedneutron spectroscopy logs in an openhole environment.The NMR effectively identifies bitumen through itsreduced porosity against density log. This differencearises because NMR is incapable of measuring fastrelaxation of the hydrogen contained in bitumen.However, the NMR porosity is also reduced due to thereduced hydrogen index of gas. Spectroscopy analysisquantifies the concentrations of various elementscontained in the reservoir rocks. This includes carbonconcentration contained in the rock, gas, and bitumen.The total organic carbon (TOC) is derived by subtractinginorganic carbon contained in the rock. The measuredTOC is essentially due to the bitumen as it is negligiblein gas. The integration of these different measurementsis an effective means to differentiate and quantifydifferent pore constituents contained in our subjectreservoirs.In cased and completed wells, we have developed anevaluation workflow that uses the slim pulsed neutrontool outputs. This includes sigma that is sensitive tosaline water, hydrogen index (HI) and fast neutron crosssection that are sensitive to gas, and TOC that ispredominately due to bitumen.The integrated volumetric analysis is done using aniterative linear solver. The analysis provides the totalporosity, bitumen volume, and true gas saturation. Thelog predictions were verified against pyrolysis and thinsectionanalyses on core samples from similar wells. Theproduction logs directly demonstrated the influence ofthe bitumen presence on the well productivity. Repeatingthe analysis in different areas of the reservoir furtherestablished the uneven bitumen distribution and itsconsequences across the reservoir. Our analysis providedthe basis for more representative static and dynamicmodeling.
机译:的鉴定,量化及其含义 沥青是用于深层(> 5000 m)致密气体的问题 新疆阿敏和米格拉特组的储层。 阿曼苏丹国。水力压裂是必需的 在这些油藏中产生经济的生产率。 沥青,据信是从石油到天然气产生的 破解过程带来了另一个挑战,因为 它直接降低了存储容量,破坏了 渗透性,并导致计算错误 饱和度。因此,当务之急是这些因素是 考虑到储量和生产率 可能最终影响整体的预测 发展计划。 设计了评估工作流程以直接量化 沥青并提供准确的体积分析。这 方法基于三合一的集成, 核磁共振(NMR)和脉冲 中子光谱法在裸眼环境中进行测井。 NMR通过其NMR有效地识别沥青 降低孔隙率,防止密度测井。这种差异 产生的原因是NMR无法快速测量 松弛沥青中所含的氢。 但是,由于 降低气体的氢指数。光谱分析 量化各种元素的浓度 包含在储层岩石中。这包括碳 岩石,天然气和沥青中所含的浓度。 总有机碳(TOC)通过减去 岩石中所含的无机碳。实测 TOC本质上是由于沥青所致,因此可以忽略不计 在气体中。这些不同测量的整合 是区分和量化的有效手段 本主题中包含的不同毛孔成分 水库。 在完井和完井的情况下,我们开发了一套 使用超薄脉冲中子的评估工作流程 工具输出。这包括对以下内容敏感的sigma 盐水,氢指数(HI)和快速中子穿越 对气体敏感的部分,以及对TOC敏感的部分 主要是由于沥青。 集成的体积分析使用 迭代线性求解器。分析提供了总计 孔隙率,沥青体积和真正的气体饱和度。这 通过热解和薄层验证对数预测 对相似孔的核心样品进行分析。这 生产日志直接证明了 沥青对油井产能的影响。重复的 水库不同区域的进一步分析 建立了不均匀的沥青分布及其 整个水库的后果。我们提供的分析 更具代表性的静态和动态的基础 造型。



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