
Temperature-tuned Solid-etalon Filter for the Space-borne Lidar Receiver




Cloud-Aerosol plays a very important role in the Earth's atmospheric system,so accurate data of global Cloud-Aerosoldetection are of great importance to the climate.The 532nm detection channel of the Space-borne Lidar for Cloud-Aerosol has a low signal-to-noise ratio during the daytime,so it cannot be effectively detected during the daytime.Inorder to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the 532nm detection channel,a high-stability"sandwich solid-etalon"structure is used in series with a narrow-band interference filter.A filter is designed with a high-precision thermalcontrol structure,it's optical performance is detected.The results show that the performance parameters of the filter meetthe design requirements: the mechanical structure is compact and reliable; the temperature control accuracy can reach0.1°C;the temperature tuning coefficient is 3.49pm/°C,that is, the temperature tuning range of +/-2.30C, which satisfiesthe central wavelength tuning range of 16pm; the incident angle should be controlled within +/-4.2mrad to meet thepeak transmittance of more than 75%.
机译:云气溶胶在地球大气系统中起着非常重要的作用,因此准确的全球云气溶胶数据 检测对于气候非常重要。云的空间激光器的532nm检测通道 - 在白天期间气溶胶具有低信噪比,因此在白天不能有效地检测到它 为了提高532nm检测通道的信噪比,高稳定性“三明治实心 - 标准龙” 结构与窄带干滤波器串联使用。过滤器设计,具有高精度热量 控制结构,检测到光学性能。结果表明过滤器相遇的性能参数 设计要求:机械结构紧凑且可靠;温度控制精度可以达到 0.1°C;温度调谐系数为3.49pm /°C,即+/- 2.30c的温度调谐范围,满足 中心波长调谐范围为16pm;入射角应在+/- 4.2mrad内控制,以满足 峰透射率超过75%。



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