
Design and Evaluation of Task-Specific Compressive Optical Systems




Many optical systems are used for specific tasks such as classification. Of these systems, th e majority are designedto maximize image quality for human observers; however, machine learning classification algorithmsdo not require the same data representation used by humans. In this work we investigate compressive opticalsystems optimized for a specific m a chine s e nsing t a s k. T wo c o mpressive o p t ical a r chitectures a r e e x a mined: anarray of prisms and neutral density filters w h e re e a ch p r i sm a n d n e u tral d e n sity fi lt er pa ir re al iz es on e datumfrom an optimized compressive sensing matrix, and another architecture using conventional optics to imagethe aperture onto the detector, a prism array to divide the aperture, and a pixelated attenuation mask in theintermediate image plane.We discuss the design, simulation, and tradeoffs of these compressive imaging systems built for compressedclassification of the MNIST data set. To evaluate the tradeoffs of the two architectures, we present radiometric andraytrace models for each system. Additionally, we investigate the impact of system aberrations on classi-ficationaccuracy of the system. We compare the performance of these systems over a range of compression. Classificationperformance, radiometric throughput, and optical design manufacturability are discussed.
机译:许多光学系统用于特定任务,例如分类。在这些系统中,大多数是经过设计的 为人类观察者最大化图像质量;但是,机器学习分类算法 不需要人类使用相同的数据表示形式。在这项工作中,我们研究了压缩光学 针对特定设备优化的系统。令人难忘的具有代表性的采掘结构: 棱镜和中性密度滤光片的阵列,在数据上均具有均质性滤光片 来自优化的压缩感测矩阵,以及使用常规光学器件成像的另一种架构 将光圈放到检测器上,将光圈分割成棱镜阵列,并在 中间图像平面。 我们讨论了为压缩而构建的这些压缩成像系统的设计,仿真和权衡 MNIST数据集的分类。为了评估这两种架构之间的权衡,我们介绍了辐射度和 每个系统的raytrace模型。此外,我们调查了系统像差对分类的影响 系统的准确性。我们比较了这些系统在一定压缩范围内的性能。分类 讨论了性能,辐射通量和光学设计的可制造性。



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