
Characterizing collapse during obstructive sleep apnea through fiber optic manometry




A multimodal catheter for characterizing airway collapse in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) was introduced at PhotonicsWest in 2019. This newly developed device showed the potential for improved diagnosis of OSA with the aim todistinguish which patients would benefit from one of the variety of treatments currently available. We build upon thesefindings and present preliminary results for in-vivo studies that highlight the ability of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) basedpressure and temperature measurements to characterize upper airway obstruction during OSA. Significantly, our recentdata is derived from a sleep study in a human subject with diagnosed OSA during natural sleep as it is considered thatupper airway collapse occurs differently when awake or in a drug induced state. We demonstrate how pressuremeasurements from 10mm spaced FBGs can determine the location of the site(s) of collapse. Using video recordings fromthe catheter integrated micro-camera, we also identify the mechanism of collapse and associated anatomical features.Combining the video capture with the simultaneous and temperature independent optical measurements we presentevidence of upper airway collapse during natural sleep. It is considered that improved diagnostic data of this kind wouldadvance the ability of clinicians to better guide subsequent therapeutic interventions.
机译:在Photonics上推出了一种用于表征阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)中气道塌陷的多模态导管 West在2019年。这种新开发的设备显示出改善OSA诊断的潜力,旨在 区分哪些患者将从当前可用的多种治疗中受益。我们以这些为基础 研究结果和目前的体内研究初步结果,这些研究突出了基于光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)的能力 进行压力和温度测量以表征OSA期间的上呼吸道阻塞。重要的是,我们最近 数据来自对自然睡眠期间诊断为OSA的人类受试者进行的睡眠研究,因为认为 清醒或处于药物诱导状态时,上呼吸道塌陷的发生方式有所不同。我们展示了压力 间隔10mm的FBG的测量结果可以确定坍塌部位的位置。使用来自 在集成了微型相机的导管中,我们还确定了塌陷的机制和相关的解剖特征。 我们将视频捕获与同时和独立于温度的光学测量相结合 自然睡眠期间上呼吸道塌陷的证据。据认为,这种改进的诊断数据将 提高临床医生更好地指导后续治疗干预的能力。



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