
Developing a needle-like optical funnel: Numerical modelling




Non-diffracting optical quasi-Bessel beams provide an opportunity to construct optical fields of complex architecture. Theconstructed beams may have a bright central peak or zero intensity on the beam axis and have the beam size of only a fewmicrons propagating over a long defined distance, which is not possible with conventional Gaussian or high-order Laguerre-Gaussian beams. In this work we demonstrate the possibility of constructing a needle-like diverging optical funnel with zerointensity on the axis. The primary aim is to numerically construct and optimise the optical field, which could transverselycompress and focus a stream of m- and sub-m size particles injected into vacuum or gaseous environment by applyinglight pressure and photophoretic forces pushing particles into the area with lower intensity. We present the results ofnumerical modelling of an “optical funnel” based on re-imaging a non-zero-order quasi-Bessel beam, formed by an axiconand a phase plate or using an SLM, with a collimator. The funnel geometry, namely, the m-size of the beam cross-section,several-mm long propagation length and its divergence, all is controlled and optimised by changing the topological chargeat a fixed collimation of the re-imaging optics, or/and by varying the collimation with fixed topological charge of the beam.The simulated profiles will have an application for optical guiding and focusing of aerosolised beam of particles, largebiomolecules and viruses to the micron-size focus of x-ray Free Electron Lasers in order to increase the delivery efficiencyof isolated single particles in coherent diffractive imaging experiments.
机译:非衍射准贝塞尔光束提供了构建复杂体系结构光场的机会。这 构造的光束在光束轴上可能具有明亮的中心峰或零强度,并且光束大小只有几个 微米在很长的规定距离内传播,这是传统高斯或高阶Laguerre- 高斯光束。在这项工作中,我们证明了构建零针状散光漏斗的可能性 轴上的强度。主要目的是数值构造和优化光学场,该场可以横向 压缩并聚焦注入到真空或气体环境中的m和亚m大小的颗粒流,方法是应用 轻的压力和电泳力将粒子推入强度较低的区域。我们呈现的结果 基于对由轴锥形成的非零阶准贝塞尔光束的重新成像,对“光学漏斗”进行数值模拟 相板或带准直仪的SLM。漏斗的几何形状,即光束横截面的m尺寸, 通过改变拓扑电荷,可以控制和优化几毫米长的传播长度及其发散度 在重新成像光学器件的固定准直条件下,或/和通过改变光束的固定拓扑电荷来改变准直条件。 模拟的轮廓将用于光学引导和聚焦雾化的大颗粒粒子束 生物分子和病毒到X射线自由电子激光器的微米级焦点,以提高传递效率 相干衍射成像实验中分离出的单个颗粒的分离



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