首页> 外文会议>Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2000. Proceedi gs. Annual >AFR: problems of definition, calculation and measurement in acommercial environment

AFR: problems of definition, calculation and measurement in acommercial environment




Most commercial enterprises want a meaningful yet simple methodfor determining product reliability. “Average”,“annual” or “annualized” failure rates areselected because of their apparent simplicity. All involve some sort of“failure rate” averaging over some period of time. All areabbreviated AFR even though there are no accepted industry standarddefinitions for these terms or the processes and conditions for theirmeasurement. If the failure rate is not constant in time, creating anaverage can easily generate meaningless results. A number of businessesuse the term “failure rate” but are in fact calculatingprobabilities or time independent percentages. A basic premise for thispaper is that the true underlying product failure rates are not constantin time. This paper presents a detailed discussion of different wayscommercial industries calculate simple failure rate based metrics. Itidentifies some ambiguities in the definitions and resultantinaccuracies. It will help the reliability pundit understand themathematical considerations, making him more aware of potentialproblems. This paper should help generalists and managers understandthat the AFR's they calculate may be significantly different than thosecalculated by their suppliers and customers. This can result insubstantially different numbers and conclusions. Averaging instantaneousfailure rates should be done only to smooth data collected from adistribution known to have a constant failure rate
机译:大多数商业企业都需要一种有意义而又简单的方法 用于确定产品的可靠性。 “平均”, “年度”或“年度”故障率是 之所以选择它们,是因为它们看起来很简单。都涉及某种 一段时间内的平均“故障率”。全部是 即使没有公认的行业标准,缩写为AFR 这些术语的定义或其过程和条件 测量。如果故障率在时间上不是恒定的,则创建一个 平均值很容易产生毫无意义的结果。多家企业 使用“故障率”一词,但实际上是在计算 概率或与时间无关的百分比。一个基本前提 本文认为,真正的潜在产品故障率不是恒定的 及时。本文提出了不同方式的详细讨论 商业行业计算基于简单故障率的指标。它 识别定义和结果中的一些歧义 错误。这将有助于可靠性专家了解 数学方面的考虑,使他更加意识到潜力 问题。本文应有助于通才和管理人员理解 他们计算出的AFR可能与 由其供应商和客户计算得出。这可能导致 数量和结论大不相同。平均瞬时 失败率应该仅用于平滑从服务器收集的数据 已知故障率恒定的分布



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