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Deep Learning for Image-based Automatic Dial Meter Reading: Dataset and Baselines




Smart meters enable remote and automatic electricity, water and gas consumption reading and are being widely deployed in developed countries. Nonetheless, there is still a huge number of non-smart meters in operation. Image-based Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) focuses on dealing with this type of meter readings. We estimate that the Energy Company of Paraná (Copel), in Brazil, performs more than 850,000 readings of dial meters per month. Those meters are the focus of this work. Our main contributions are: (i) a public real-world dial meter dataset (shared upon request) called UFPR-ADMR; (ii) a deep learning-based recognition baseline on the proposed dataset; and (iii) a detailed error analysis of the main issues present in AMR for dial meters. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to introduce deep learning approaches to multidial meter reading, and perform experiments on unconstrained images. We achieved a 100.0% F1-score on the dial detection stage with both Faster R-CNN and YOLO, while the recognition rates reached 93.6% for dials and 75.25% for meters using Faster R-CNN (ResNeXt-101).
机译:智能电表可实现远程和自动的电,水和煤气消耗量的读取,并已在发达国家中广泛使用。尽管如此,仍然有大量的非智能电表在运行。基于图像的自动抄表(AMR)专注于处理这种类型的抄表。我们估计,巴西巴拉那(Copel)的能源公司每月执行的拨号表读数超过850,000次。这些仪表是这项工作的重点。我们的主要贡献是:(i)称为UFPR-ADMR的公共现实世界百分表数据集(应要求共享); (ii)在提议的数据集上基于深度学习的识别基线; (iii)对AMR中存在的主要问题进行详细的误差分析。据我们所知,这是将深度学习方法引入多刻度盘抄表并在不受约束的图像上进行实验的第一项工作。使用Faster R-CNN和YOLO,在拨号检测阶段我们达到了100.0%的F1-分数,而使用Faster R-CNN(ResNeXt-101)的拨号器的识别率达到了93.6%,仪表的识别率达到了75.25%。



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