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Subgroup classification model identifying the most influential factors in the mortality of patients with COVID-19 using data analysis




This research assesses the health conditions of the people in the study and determines the reason why a person dies after being infected with COVID-19. In this study, 538 sample groups that provided medical data from people in different locations were analyzed. The biggest challenge in this study was to carry out 2 different criteria within the same data set to conclude that the mortality of the persons inside a group depends more than anything on the age of the person at risk and the presence of one or more other health disorders of the primary disease, which in this case is COVID-19. For this study, the public data set “COVID analytics” was used, which provided all the necessary medical information and the classification of the groups, which are then interpreted as useful labels to better deduce the degree of mortality of the affected person. After completing the data analysis, it is determined that the factors that aggravate the condition of a patient with COVID-19 are: hypertension, advanced age and any other disease.
机译:这项研究评估了研究对象的健康状况,并确定了感染COVID-19后一个人死亡的原因。在这项研究中,分析了538个样本组,这些样本组提供了来自不同位置的人的医疗数据。这项研究的最大挑战是在同一数据集中执行2个不同的标准,以得出结论,一个组内人员的死亡率比受风险人群的年龄以及是否存在一种或多种其他健康状况更重要。原发疾病的疾病,在这种情况下是COVID-19。在本研究中,使用了公共数据集“ COVID分析”,该数据集提供了所有必要的医学信息和各组的分类,然后将其解释为有用的标签,以更好地推断出受影响人的死亡率。完成数据分析后,确定导致COVID-19患者病情加重的因素是:高血压,高龄和任何其他疾病。



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