首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing >A Survey on Channel Coding in Wireless Networks

A Survey on Channel Coding in Wireless Networks




In wireless network sharing information between source and receiving need is complex as no wired communication channel. The wireless channel is subjected to many disturbances and may lead to receive the error code in the destination. To detect and correct the error in the transmitted data Channel coding is used. The channel coding finds error in the transmitted data and are able to rectify the errors and restore the original data. In wireless network the communication channel has more noise and need good channel coding. This channel coding has two processes one is to convert input data into channel input sequence using mapping or encoding and second one is to Inverse mapping or decoding to retrieve the original transmitted data. There are many types of codes namely linear block code, Convolution code, Turbo codes, Low density parity check (LDPC) codes, LT and Raptor Codes and MIMO channel code. This paper summarize important of the channel codes and helps the researchers and students.



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