
A Low-Cost Platform for Voice Monitoring




A low-cost platform is proposed in this paper that has been conceived to monitor the vocal activity of people that use the voice as a professional tool. Such a platform includes a wearable data-logger and a processing program that allows the vocal parameters to be extracted from the recorded signal. The data-logger is equipped with a contact microphone that is attached to the jugular notch of the person under monitoring, thus sensing the skin acceleration level due to the vibration of the vocal folds. The microphone output is conditioned through a custom circuitry and then sent to a cheap micro-controller-based board, which stores the raw samples onto a micro SD-card. The off-line processing provides an estimation of Sound Pressure Level (SPL), fundamental frequency (Fo) and Time Dose (Dt), which are the parameters that seem most suitable for the identification of vocal disorders and the prevention of an improper use of the voice. For the estimated parameters, suitable calibration procedures are implemented and their effectiveness is shown through specifically conceived experimental tests. Experimental results are shown that refer to the calibration of the device and its normal use during monitoring interval of several hours. A comparison with a commercial device is also reported.
机译:在本文中提出了一种低成本平台,该论文已被构思,以监测使用语音作为专业工具的人的声乐活动。这种平台包括可穿戴数据记录器和允许从记录的信号中提取的声乐参数的处理程序。数据记录器配备有接触式麦克风,该麦克风附着在监测下的人的颈颈部,因此由于声带的振动而感测皮肤加速水平。麦克风输出通过自定义电路调节,然后发送到基于廉价的微控制器的板,将原始样本存储到Micro SD卡上。离线处理提供声压水平(SPL),基频(FO)和时间剂量(DT)的估计,这是最适合识别声乐障碍的参数以及防止使用不当使用声音。对于估计的参数,实施了合适的校准程序,并通过特别构思的实验测试显示了它们的有效性。实验结果表明,指校准器件的校准及其在监测间隔几个小时内的正常使用。还报道了与商业设备的比较。



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