首页> 外文会议>Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences >Emerging Approaches for Estimation of Post-Mortem Interval in Medico-Legal Practice

Emerging Approaches for Estimation of Post-Mortem Interval in Medico-Legal Practice




Time since death TSD or Post-Mortem Interval PMI is the estimated time between death and discovery of the cadaver. Estimation of PMI is very challenging in medico-legal investigations for over years. Numerous methods have been proposed to estimate PMI. The aim of the present review was to explore the early changes of body after death named postmortem changes and the body decomposition after death. Emerging technologies for PMI estimation including the measurement of body temperature, the electrical and mechanical stimulation, the entomology and the post-mortem biochemical changes in body fluids were also discussed. We focused on the biochemical changes related to enzymes and proteins happening after death in the biological fluids and body tissues. Altogether, this review provides better understanding on the emerging technologies in PMI estimation which could be helpful for law enforcement and authorities in the community.



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