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Tap 'n Ghost: A Compilation of Novel Attack Techniques against Smartphone Touchscreens

机译:Tap'n Ghost:针对智能手机触摸屏的新型攻击技术汇编



We present a novel attack named "Tap 'n Ghost", which aims to attack the touchscreens of NFC-enabled mobile devices such as smartphones. Tap 'n Ghost consists of two striking attack techniques - "Tag-based Adaptive Ploy (TAP)" and "Ghost Touch Generator." First, using a NFC card emulator embedded in a common object such as table, a TAP system performs tailored attacks on the victim's smartphone by employing device fingerprinting; e.g., popping up a customized dialogue box asking whether or not to connect to an attacker's Bluetooth mouse. Further, Ghost Touch Generator forces the victim to connect to the mouse even if she or he aimed to cancel the dialogue by touching the "cancel" button; i.e., it alters the selection of a button on a screen. After the connection is established, the attacker can remotely take control of the smartphone, with the knowledge about the layout of the screen derived from the device fingerprinting. To evaluate the reality of the attack, we perform an online survey with 300 respondents and a user study involving 16 participants. The results demonstrate that the attack is realistic. We additionally discuss the possible countermeasures against the threats posed by Tap 'n Ghost.
机译:我们提出了一个名为“Tap'n Ghost”的新型攻击,旨在攻击支持NFC的移动设备的触摸屏,例如智能手机。点击'n Ghost由两个引人注目的攻击技术 - “基于标签的自适应策略(Tap)”和“Ghost Touch Generator”。首先,使用嵌入在诸如表的公共对象中的NFC卡仿真器,轻拍系统通过采用设备指纹识别来对受害者的智能手机进行定制攻击;例如,弹出自定义对话框,询问是否连接到攻击者的蓝牙鼠标。此外,幽灵触摸发电机迫使受害者连接到鼠标,即使她或他旨在通过触摸“取消”按钮取消对话;即,它改变了屏幕上的按钮。建立连接后,攻击者可以远程控制智能手机,了解从设备指纹识别的屏幕布局的知识。为了评估攻击的现实,我们使用300名受访者进行在线调查和涉及16名参与者的用户学习。结果表明攻击是现实的。我们还讨论了禁止'n Ghost构成的威胁的可能对策。



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