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Stealthy Porn: Understanding Real-World Adversarial Images for Illicit Online Promotion




Recent years have witnessed the rapid progress in deep learning (DP), which also brings their potential weaknesses to the spotlights of security and machine learning studies. With important discoveries made by adversarial learning research, surprisingly little attention, however, has been paid to the real-world adversarial techniques deployed by the cybercriminal to evade image-based detection. Unlike the adversarial examples that induce misclassification using nearly imperceivable perturbation, real-world adversarial images tend to be less optimal yet equally effective. As a first step to understand the threat, we report in the paper a study on adversarial promotional porn images (APPIs) that are extensively used in underground advertising. We show that the adversary today's strategically constructs the APPIs to evade explicit content detection while still preserving their sexual appeal, even though the distortions and noise introduced are clearly observable to humans. To understand such real-world adversarial images and the underground business behind them, we develop a novel DP-based methodology called Male`na, which focuses on the regions of an image where sexual content is least obfuscated and therefore visible to the target audience of a promotion. Using this technique, we have discovered over 4,000 APPIs from 4,042,690 images crawled from popular social media, and further brought to light the unique techniques they use to evade popular explicit content detectors (e.g., Google Cloud Vision API, Yahoo Open NSFW model), and the reason that these techniques work. Also studied are the ecosystem of such illicit promotions, including the obfuscated contacts advertised through those images, compromised accounts used to disseminate them, and large APPI campaigns involving thousands of images. Another interesting finding is the apparent attempt made by cybercriminals to steal others' images for their advertising. The study highlights the importance of the research on real-world adversarial learning and makes the first step towards mitigating the threats it poses.
机译:近年来见证了深度学习(DP)的快速发展,这也将其潜在的弱点带到了安全性和机器学习研究的聚光灯下。随着对抗学习研究的重要发现,令人惊讶的是,很少有人关注网络犯罪分子为逃避基于图像的检测而部署的现实对抗技术。与使用几乎无法想象的扰动引起误分类的对抗示例不同,现实世界中的对抗图像往往不太理想,但同样有效。作为了解威胁的第一步,我们在论文中报告了一项针对地下广告中广泛使用的对抗性促销色情图片(APPI)的研究。我们表明,当今的对手从战略上构建了APPI,以逃避显式的内容检测,同时仍然保留其性吸引力,即使引入的失真和噪音对于人类而言显然是可观察到的。为了了解此类真实世界的对抗性图像及其背后的地下业务,我们开发了一种新的基于DP的方法,称为Male`na,该方法侧重于对性内容最少混淆并因此对目标受众可见的图像区域。促销。使用这项技术,我们从流行的社交媒体爬取的4,042,690张图像中发现了4,000多个APPI,并进一步揭示了它们用于规避流行的显式内容检测器的独特技术(例如Google Cloud Vision API,Yahoo Open NSFW模型),以及这些技术起作用的原因。还研究了此类非法促销活动的生态系统,包括通过这些图像进行广告宣传的模糊联系人,用于传播这些图像的受害帐户以及涉及数千个图像的大型APPI运动。另一个有趣的发现是,网络罪犯显然试图窃取他人的图像作为广告。这项研究强调了现实世界对抗学习研究的重要性,并迈出了减轻其威胁的第一步。



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