
Dust in the Wind: An Historical Timeline of Soiling RD for Solar Technologies




The current multi-GW annual solar markets have brought a heightened focus on system reliability and sustained performance. Many of these growing markets are situated in world climate zones that are most solar-rich, but ironically co-located in geographies that are most soiling-prone. This paper documents the more than 7 decade-history of the research invested into the science and solutions of soiling of solar components-highlighting the motivation and milestones; the researchers and personalities, the R&D and commercial priorities, and the associated progress. The presentation follows a historical timeline that begins starting with the 1940-1970s, examines the changing emphases from solar thermal to solar electric, highlights the interesting contributions from the requirements for space and in particular the first Mars-rover (Sojourner), and documents key contributions through the recent growth in soiling R&D coincident with the PV market expansions attributed to China and its manufacturing with associated precipitous (and fortunate) technology-price declines. This paper also highlights key current and future research directions, speculates on short-tenn approaches preventing solar showstoppers. and envisions some "holy-grail" schemes that might lead to the final solution(s).



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