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Precision Sextant: An Early Portuguese Landmark on Aeronautical History




The Transatlantic Flights performed at 1919 proved to be a tremendous success; however, aerial navigation over ocean was based on radio equipment. Sextants were very difficult to use, and methods of calculations were quite time-consuming to provide positioning results of an aircraft at great speeds. For these reasons the Aerial Astronavigation was considered unsuitable. 3 years later, two Portuguese airmen managed to perform the First Aerial Crossing of the South Atlantic exclusively achieved by Aerial Astronavigation in an unprecedent route precision achievement; such feat was a milestone in Aviation History, marking the debut of the sextant as a key mean for air navigation: for the first time, sextant, course corrector and methods of calculations proved their effectiveness and value for aerial navigation. Reports of the 1st South Atlantic Air Crossing [Relatorios da 1~a Travessia Aerea do Atlantico Sul written by Coutinho and Cabral, published in 1922, were included in the International Register of the "Memory of the World" of UNESCO. After July 27, 2011, the reports were considered World Heritage [Patrimonio da Humanidade].
机译:事实证明,1919年进行的跨大西洋飞行取得了巨大的成功。但是,海上空中航行是基于无线电设备的。六分仪非常难以使用,并且计算方法非常耗时,无法以很高的速度提供飞机的定位结果。由于这些原因,航空航天航空被认为是不合适的。 3年后,两名葡萄牙空军飞行员以空前的航线精度成就,成功完成了由航空航天事业独家实现的南大西洋第一次空中穿越;这样的壮举是航空史上的一个里程碑,标志着六分仪的首次亮相是空中航行的关键手段:六分仪,航向校正器和计算方法首次证明了其在空中航行中的有效性和价值。 1922年,由库蒂尼奥和卡布拉尔撰写的第一次南大西洋空中穿越[Relatorios da 1〜a Travessia Aerea do Atlantico Sul \]的报告已列入联合国教科文组织的“世界记忆”国际名录。 2011年7月27日之后,这些报告被视为世界遗产[Patrimonio da Humanidade]。



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